Administrative Units

  • Shared Services Center
  • Procurement Services
  • Financial Analysis and Budget
  • Finance and Accounting
  • Finance Strategy & Analytics
  • The Office of the Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer is responsible for the administration of UF’s budget. This includes oversight of a number of administrative units including:

    CFO Shared Service Center

    Provides transactional processing services and assistance in financial management to departments and colleges throughout UF

    Finance and Accounting

    Provides oversight over a wide range of fiscal, accounting and financial operations

    Finance Strategy & Analytics

    Financial Analysis and Budget

    Assists the CFO by providing financial planning and analysis services. Includes the Budget Office and Reporting Services

    Gator Business Administrator Services (GBAS)

    A professional development program designed to help business administrators working in colleges, departments and units be more effective in their jobs by providing support in the areas of finance, research reporting and human resources

    Procurement Services

    Oversees the acquisition of goods and services at competitive prices, creating efficient purchasing systems and ensuring adherence to purchasing contracts and policies