Loan Entrance Counseling and Promissory Notes

Federal Direct Loans

Students receiving first-time Federal Direct Loans must complete Entrance Counseling and sign the Master Promissory Note (MPN) prior to the disbursement of funds.

Entrance Counseling and signing of MPNs are completed online at

A loan cannot be disbursed until all electronic documents are accurately completed and the loan award is accepted by the student.

Disclosure and Acceptance

  • To complete a Loan “Acceptance,” visit ONE.UF, then navigate to “Financial Aid” card, then click on the applicable award year and follow the online instructions. “

These requirements should be completed as soon as possible to ensure funds are disbursed early at the beginning of the appropriate semester of enrollment at UF.

How long is the MPN valid?

  • This signed MPN covers all subsequent Federal loans accepted by the borrower until the MPN expires (up to 10 years)
  • The MPN is automatically voided if no disbursements are made within 12 months after signing the note

UF Private Long-Term Loan and Federal Health Profession Loans

Students receiving a UF Long-Term or Federal Health Professions Loan will receive promissory note(s) and other applicable documents by mail from the Bursar.

  • All documents must be thoroughly completed and returned to the Bursar, located in S-113 Criser Hall, or mailed to PO BOX 114050, Gainesville FL 32611 before the loans can be disbursed and credited to student’s account charges.


Bursar: (352) 392-0737

Office of Student Financial Aid and Scholarships: (352) 392-2244

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