Refunds are typically created when the payments or financial aid applied to a student’s account is greater than the charges on the account, but there are various other situations that may result in a student refund:
- Student Overpayment Refunds: Refunds caused by an overpayment are refunded to the student’s account via direct deposit unless the original payment was made by a credit card, at which point the refund is typically processed to the credit card used for the original payment. Overpayment refunds are not processed until after the drop/add period has ended, then are processed biweekly.
- Financial Aid Refunds: Financial aid refunds occur when the financial aid awarded, including loans, Parent PLUS loans, scholarships, Bright Futures, and grants, exceed the charges due on the student’s account. Please see Financial Aid Refunds for more information.
- 25% Refund: A refund of 25% of the total tuition and fees paid (less health fees) is available for students who withdrawal enrollment from the university prior to the end of the fourth week of classes for the fall or spring semesters (or a proportionately shorter period of time for the summer terms).
- Other: Students may be eligible for a refund if they have an approved withdrawal from the university due to involuntary call to active military duty, medical reasons, or death of the student or member of the immediate family. Refunds may also be generated by other approved withdrawals from the university, account adjustments, approved petition documenting illness of the student, or other exceptional circumstances.
Students are required to sign up for Direct Deposit to receive refunds.
Please complete the online direct deposit authorization by logging into ONE.UF and selecting:
- View My Account > Related Links > Sign up for Direct Deposit-Refunds
- Direct deposits will be transmitted to the checking account of the financial institution designated by the student and/or parent PLUS borrower
Direct Deposit ensures the refund is processed and sent as quickly as possible.
Refunds Due to Withdrawal
- Students must follow UF’s official withdrawal policy
- Please contact the Office of the Registrar for information about withdrawals
- Please visit the Office of Student Financial Aid and Scholarships website for more details on how withdrawals affect financial aid
- Students withdrawing who received financial aid, including the Bright Futures scholarship, may be subject to repayment of awards
Medical Withdrawal
Office of the Registrar
Office of Student Financial Aid and Scholarships
Bursar: (352) 392-0181
Registrar: (352) 392-1374