Receiving ACH/EFT and Wires


  1. The department should inform Banking & Merchant Services of the following details:
    • Customer name and address
    • Billing amount
    • Expected time of customer payment
    • Reference, such as the invoice number or other information related to the payment
  2. After Banking & Merchant Services identifies the benefiting department of an incoming ACH/EFT or wire transfer, the Deposit Control team will e-mail the department an “EFT Advice Report,” which is a deposit statement extracted from the University of Florida bank account
  3. The department will use the information on the EFT Advice Report to record the transaction by means of a deposit into myUFL, following the procedures in the UF HR Toolkit – Deposits

Duplicate or Erroneous Payments

In the event of a duplicate payment or a money transfer sent to UF in error, the following guidelines apply:

  1. The department will record the duplicate transaction following the regular ACH/EFT or Wire transfer deposit procedures above
  2. Once properly posted in the General Ledger, the department will then process a voucher in the myUFL payables sub-system using the steps in the UF HR Toolkit – Creating a Check Request for a Payment that Does Not Have an Invoice
  3. This will result in the generation of a check to be mailed to the originating party of the duplicate or erroneous payment


EFT-ACH-Wires Log

Unapplied Wire Transfers

Recording ACH, EFT and Wire Deposits in myUFL


UF HR Toolkit – Deposits

UF HR Toolkit – Creating a Check Request for a Payment that Does Not Have an Invoice


Disbursements: (352) 392-1241

Banking & Merchant Services: (352) 392-9057

Directive Statement

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