Members of UF community sing UFDocuSign’s praises
In spring 2018, UF made UFDocuSign—an electronic signature service that lets users securely sign and initial electronic documents instead of paper copies—available to all UF faculty and staff for free.
Feedback from recent UFDocuSign survey
In spring 2018, UF made UFDocuSign — an electronic signature service that lets users securely sign and initial electronic documents instead of paper copies — available to all UF faculty and staff for free. Users shared feedback about UFDocuSign with us in a recent survey. Read more on the Business Process Improvement Office page.
Grounding of Boeing 737 Max aircraft (737 Max 800 and Max 900 planes)
If you are booked on a Boeing 737 Max aircraft, the airline will contact you directly to communicate changes. It will be best to let the airlines rebook your ticket for a number of reasons.