Celebrating Linda Orfield’s career and retirement
This spring, after nearly 20 years of service at UF, Linda Orfield retired as associate controller for University Payroll and Tax Services.
Office Depot Savings Program for faculty, staff and students
UF faculty, staff and students are eligible for discounts on personal purchases with Office Depot, as well as other suppliers.
UFDocuSign update: eNotary feature
UFDocuSign now offers the ability to execute electronic notarial acts using a DocuSign signature. These electronic notarial acts emulate the core aspects of a traditional paper/human notarial act.
CFO Spotlight: Wade Clayton, Asset Management
Wade Clayton of Asset Management celebrated 37 years at UF this July. He started as a member of the Grounds Department, later joined the UF Bookstore and then worked for IFAS for 20 years before joining Finance and Accounting.
UF Earns NPI Achievement of Excellence in Procurement Award for fifth consecutive year
For the fifth consecutive year, UF Procurement has received the Annual Achievement of Excellence in Procurement Award from the National Procurement Institute (NPI).