UF’s transition to myUF Marketplace this fall
In the fall of 2019, UF will introduce a new single procure-to-pay system designed to streamline processes for our faculty and staff. A joint initiative of the Division of Finance and Accounting and UF Procurement Services, myUF Marketplace will streamline processes currently completed via two systems, myUF Market and myUF Payment Solutions, into one integrated solution.
Team members from across the Office of the CFO have been working with consultants to prepare for the new system since last September. Focus groups of UF fiscal staff led by our Disbursements and Procurement teams first met last fall, and participants continue to provide insightful feedback and support in determining needs for the new system. Project planning and approval were finalized with key stakeholder UFIT earlier this year, and Procurement and Accounts Payable team members are working to design the future state business process for change orders, invoices, check requests and many other actions.
In the coming months, the project team will be working on solution validation—including reviewing system design—as well as testing and training so that we are all ready for go live in the fall.
Thank you for your help and support in this major upgrade. Visit the myUF Marketplace project webpage to stay up-to-date on the project, and email MyUFMarketplace@mail.ufl.edu with any questions.