Annual Fraud Awareness Reminder

The University of Florida is committed to fostering an organizational culture where risk management structures are established to prevent and detect fraud, waste and abuse.  The University has zero-tolerance for fraudulent activity and is resolute in upholding the highest level of ethical and business practices.

As UF employees, we are all responsible for safeguarding the University’s assets and resources.

Part of being a responsible steward is to be aware of the possibility of fraud in our organization. In accordance with University of Florida Regulation UF-1.500, all levels of management must be familiar with the types of fraud, risks, and symptoms of fraud that may occur in their operational areas of responsibility and must be alert for any indication of fraud.

The University has implemented the Antifraud Framework, a fraud risk management program, to provide hands-on support in the prevention and detection of fraud. Additionally, the Fraud Awareness Training course (PRO338) provides in-depth training to further equip employees to protect the university against fraud. Employees are encouraged to take this training at least annually and as part of the new employee onboarding process.

Every member of the University community has the responsibility to report any actions or activities of concern that are not, or do not appear to be, in compliance with University policy and procedures. Please visit for more information about what to do and how to report fraud, abuse, or actions of concern.  If you are not comfortable making a report via normal administrative channels, the University has two additional options available to report your concerns of suspected wrongdoing anonymously and confidentially:

  1. Call the University Compliance Hotline at 1-877-556-5356, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
  2. Complete an anonymous online form located at:

For questions about the Antifraud Framework or to request advisory services in your area, please contact us here: