Banking & Merchant Services

Banking & Merchant Services (BMS) is responsible for the cash management of the University. This includes banking administration and banking relationships, reconciliation of bank account activity, outgoing foreign wire transfers as well as internal transfers. In addition, the Merchant Services area is responsible for establishing and administering payment card and e-commerce activities, as well as ensuring secure, compliant, and efficient financial activities.

Procedures & Best Practices  Staff Listing Deposit Options


Staying Informed


This is an automatically generated listserv comprised of all employees with the security roles of: UF_AR_CASHIER, UF_AR_COLLECTOR, UF_AR_ADMINISTRATOR, UF_AR_CORE, UF_AR_DEPOSIT_CONTROL, UF_AR_TREASURY_MGT, UF_FI_SUPER_USER

Banking & Merchant Services uses this listserv to communicate with the campus community on important deposit processing deadlines and unidentified funds received in the UF bank account.