This page is designed to consolidate the many financial reports available to analyze data into one location, organized by category. Each listing includes the required prompts, what the report includes, and a direct link to the report in Enterprise Analytics. Please note, access to the report in Enterprise Analytics is based on your security roles. If you cannot access the report please work with your supervisor and DSA to review your roles.
For suggestions of reports to include, please submit a Finance Hub contact form!
Please visit the UFHR Data Reports website for valuable HR reports to assist you in payroll, human resources, or financial decisions.
Disbursements Effort Certification Effort Commitments Faculty Assignment-Reports General Accounting Payroll Procurement Transaction Detail by Type Travel
Report provides three different views of the open encumbrances (Travel Requests and Purchase Orders) across all funds. Report can be prompted for a variety of Chartfield/Project Values. It is best viewed in excel and will provide three tabs:
1. Encumbrance Summary: shows open amount left on encumbrance
2. Encumbrance Grouped: shows the encumbrance and related expenses (for Purchase Orders) together
3. Encumbrance Details: shows all data unformatted for pivots and analyzing
Run by selected Effort Term and then by Department ID, or UFID or Report Status.
This report contains information from the detail page for all employees in a department (or a specific UFID) for a selected term. A department can review how much salary was charged to each sponsored project and non-sponsored activities by employee. It displays the employee’s name, the associated job record effort is reported on, Report Sequence Number, Report Status, and Approval Sequence Number. It then lists the payroll for the externally funded projects, the commitments for those projects and the payroll for any non-sponsored activities.
Run by selected Effort Term and then by Department ID.
This report lists the actual effort reports for all employees that required certification for a department. If put in PDF, this can be a great tool to see the actual effort repots for a specific term.
Run by selected Effort Term and then by Department ID.
This report lists the actual effort reports for all employees that required certification for a department, as well as the individuals who certified and when they did so. If put in PDF, this can be a great tool to see the actual effort repots for a specific term.
Run by selected Effort Term and then by Department ID.
This report lists the actual effort reports for specific employee that required certification for a department. If put in PDF, this can be a great tool to see the actual effort repots for a specific term.
Run by selected Effort Term and then by Department ID, or UFID or Report Status.
This report contains externally funded sponsored project detail for all employees in a department (or a specific UFID) for a selected term. A department can review all of the externally funded project detail activities that were certified on an individual’s effort report or all the externally funded projects effort reported for the department. It displays the employee’s name, the associated job record effort is reported on, their gross annual salary, Report Sequence Number, Report Status, and Approval Sequence Number. It then lists all of the externally funded projects by employee and what their effort allocation was for the term.
Run by Department ID and then select the Effort Term.
This report can be used to see the entire Effort report for all employees in a department. Instead of printing one at a time, a department can review all of the actual effort activities reported for a term in one report. It displays the employee’s name, the associated job records the Effort Report is created on, their gross and annual salary, Report Sequence Number, Report Status, and Approval Sequence Number. It then lists all of the actual effort reported for the given term.
Run by selected Effort Term and then by Department ID, or UFID or Report Status.
This report contains instructional detail for all employees in a department (or a specific UFID) for a selected term. A department can review all of the instructional detail activities that were certified on an individual’s effort report or all the instructional activity for the department. It displays the employee’s name, the associated job record effort is reported on, their gross annual salary, Report Sequence Number, Report Status, and Approval Sequence Number. It then lists all of the courses by number, section tile, section number, and the contact hours associated, as well as the effort reported on those courses or other Instructional Activities.
Run by selected Effort Term and then by Department ID.
This report lists all courses for a department and the instructor listed to teach those courses. It then displays the number of contact hours and the maximum amount of effort that can be reported to the State of Florida as well as the actual effort that was reported to a course. The max effort column does not indicate what the ACTUAL effort reported should be.
Instructional Max Effort Percentage with Actual Effort Reported
Run by selected Effort Term and then by Department ID.
This report lists all effort records that have not been allocated to total 100%. The report can be used as a tool to determine what reports are outstanding to meet the first effort deadline of a term. It is also used by the Provost Office of Institutional Planning & Research (OIPR) to contact departments that have not met that deadline.
Run by selected Effort Term and then by Department ID.
This report will indicate whether or not an employee disclosed that they have any outside activities during the certification process. IT will listed if thy submitted a disclosure statement, if they state that they have no outside activity, or blank because this disclosure is not required of that specific employee. When a faculty member certifies their effort record, they indicate what this status is as part of that process.
Run by selected Effort Term and then by Department ID.
This report lists all effort reports for a department that have not completed the certification process. This report can be used to determine who is the report is pending certification from if there are multiple PI’s and as a management tool to verify that a department has completed the certification process.
Run by selected Effort Term and then by Department ID.
This report lists all effort reports for a department that have not completed the certification process. This report can be used to determine who is the report is pending certification from if there are multiple PI’s and as a management tool to verify that a department has completed the certification process.
Run by effort term. You have the option to add a specific department ID, UFID, Report Status, or a specific role of an award such as the Principal Investigator.
This report lists effort commitments that are reported on inactive or terminated job records. This can be used to clean up commitments before an effort term is open to guarantee that commitments are on the right job appointment or transferred to the appropriate person. This could affect a mandatory or voluntary mandatory cost sharing commitment requirements if this is not corrected.
Run by term and then by Award ID.
This report will list commitments by Project ID that are on the award. This can be used to determine all of the commitments required for a specific overarching award ID.
Run by Department ID and then selected effort term.
This report will list, by employee ID, the commitments for an effort term. A department could use this report to determine if adjustments need to be made before an effort term is released to decrease the number of errors at the time of the reporting period.
Run by UFID and then selected effort term.
This report will list the commitments for an effort term for a specific employee ID. A department could use this report to determine if adjustments need to be made before an effort term or to share with the individual what their expected commitments are.
Run by Project Number and then selected effort term.
This report will list the commitments for an effort term by employee ID for a specific project. A department could use this report to determine if adjustments need to be made before an effort term opens or to share with staff what all of the commitments are for a specific department ID.
Run by Effort Term and then by Sponsor Number.
This report will list the commitments for an effort term for an entire sponsoring agency. This report can be used to determine what the University has committed to a specific sponsor. It displays information by Project ID.
Run by Department ID and then selected effort term.
This report will pivot the data by employee ID displaying the total committed percentages for a specific term.
Run by UFID and then selected effort term.
This report will pivot the data for the specific employee UFID to display the total overall committed amount by project.
Run by Project Number and then selected effort term.
This report will pivot the data for the specific Project Number to display the total overall committed amount by employee UFID.
Run by Department ID or Sponsor ID.
This report provides projects that have no commitments associated with them. Every project at the University should have a commitment entered except for the following:
Run by department and selected Effort Term.
This report can be used to determine what projects employees have planned on working for the given term. It displays the employee’s name, the associated job record the FAR is created on, their annual salary, FAR Status, FAR Version, and Approval Sequence. It then lists all the project numbers that are input on the FAR, what department is associated with that project ID and how much effort was proposed to work for that term.
Run by UFID and selected Effort Term.
This report can be used to determine what projects a specific employee has planned on working for the given term. It displays the employee’s name, the associated job record the FAR is created on, their annual salary, FAR Status, FAR Version, and Approval Sequence. It then lists all the project numbers that are input on the FAR, what department is associated with that project ID and how much effort was proposed to work for that term.
Run by department and selected Effort Term.
This report can be ran to see the entire FAR report for all employees in a department, including any comments on the record. Instead of printing one at a time, a department can review all of the proposed plan of activities for a term in one report. It displays the employee’s name, the associated job record the FAR is created on, their annual salary, FAR Status, FAR Version, and Approval Sequence. It then lists all of the planned effort for the given term and any comments that was associated with the record.
Run by UFID and selected Effort Term.
This report can be ran to see the entire FAR report for a specific employee including any comments on the record. It displays the employee’s name, the associated job record the FAR is created on, their annual salary, FAR Status, FAR Version, and Approval Sequence. It then lists all of the planned effort for the given term and any comments that was associated with the record.
Run by UFID and selected Effort Term.
This report contains instructional detail for a specific employee ID for a selected term. A department can review all of the proposed instructional detail activities for an individual’s FAR. It displays the employee’s name, the associated job record the FAR is created on, their annual salary, FAR Status, FAR Version, and Approval Sequence. It then lists all the percent of effort planned on courses, the course title if there is one, how many sections that the employee is teaching, thesis / dissertation percentage planned for the term, the number of students associated with the thesis / dissertation courses, how much time is planned for Other Instructional Activity, and then the total of Instructional planned effort.
Prompts on Fiscal Year and two-digit College ID. Please note, you can only pull for the entire college so there will be a large amount of data.
Shows all departments for the college and includes Accounting Period, Commitment Control (KK) Budgets, General Ledger Expenses, KK Encumbrances, Projected Payroll Bi-Weekly and the resulting Available Balance for appropriations funds.
This report gives users access to available and projected direct available balance summaries for all funds. It can be prompted by any budget value tied to budgets overview, not managerial budgets.
Report provides transaction detail for budget transfers in budget-based funds for a variety of periods.
Report provides actual earnings and estimated fringe figures either for all department cost centers that funded an individual or all current distributed individuals for a particular cost center based on prompts selected. You may also prompt by UFID and select a specific report category (payroll vs fellowship/stipend).
Enables users to select ChartField and Project/Award values as well as select whether the report pulls employees using job data home department or distributed department. This allows users to see either all individuals funded by a particular cost center or how all individuals within a particular department are funded. The report provides distribution commitment dates, estimated fringe, and distribution percentage, among other things.
Prompts on College Code, Department(s) and then Division(s). Shows the current payroll distributions for all employees in the department(s) and division(s) selected.
Prompts on Report Type (Payroll or Fellowship/Scholarship) and Pay End Date. Optional Prompts include Employee ID, Budget Reference, Department(s), Project(s), Fund(s), Program(s), Source of Fund(s), Flex(s), UFID(s) ChartField, and CRIS(s).
You can run this report by person for by a ChartField string or part of a ChartField string to analyze payroll information.
Payroll or Fellowship Earnings and Estimated Fringe by Cost Center by Person
Prompts on Report Type (Payroll or Fellowship/Scholarship) and Pay End Date. Optional Prompts include Employee ID, Budget Reference, Department(s), Project(s), Fund(s), Program(s), Source of Fund(s), Flex(s), UFID(s) ChartField, CRIS(s).
Payroll or Fellowship Earnings and Estimated Fringe by Person
Prompts on Pay Period End Date(s) or Run Date. Optional prompts include Employee ID, Department(s) or Project(s). This report is very useful to check after you do a retro to confirm the transaction is accurate.
Prompts on Fiscal Year (can select multiple) and Purchasing Business Unit. This report shows the number of Purchase Orders (POs) and the total cost of POs by vendor for the selected business unit(s). Ways it can be used include analyzing spend for vendors or comparing spending trends for vendors over time.
This report gives users access to transaction detail across all funds for a variety of time periods. Can be prompted by any ChartField value.
Prompts on Department ID, Beginning and Ending Creation Dates. This report shows line details for all Travel Authorization Reports (TARs) submitted during the time period, including the traveler’s name and UFID, ChartField string, Creation, Submission, and Approval Dates.
Tip: Running by Excel Data will remove the formatting and make the data easier to analyze if needed.
This report provides information on expense reports (PCard, Travel, General Reimbursement) that have not yet been fully approved and are in a status such as unsubmitted, pending financial approval, sent back to user, etc
In this report you will see a holistic view of all transactions that are not yet in approval workflow. This includes expenses paid with PCard, Air Card, and personal funds.
In this report you will be able to view any Travel Requests that have not entered the approval workflow.
This report provides payment information of your expense reports (PCard, Travel, General Reimbursements) including cash advances.