This directive establishes the proper methods of accounting for operations and maintenance (O&M) costs. Uniform Guidance 2 CFR 200 establishes principles for determining costs applicable to grants, contracts, and other agreements with educational institutions. According to Uniform Guidance 2 CFR 200 sections 200.402, “The total cost of a Federal award is the sum of the allowable direct and allocable indirect costs less any applicable credits.”
The tests of allowability of costs under these principles in section 200.403 are:
Identifying and allocating operations and maintenance cost must follow principles defined in Uniform Guidance 2 CFR 200 and the Cost Accounting Standard (CAS) 48 CFR 9905.502 to which the University of Florida must adhere.
Cost Accounting Standard (CAS) 48 CFR 9905.502-40 requires consistency in allocating costs incurred for the same purpose. “All costs incurred for the same purpose, in like circumstances, are either direct costs only or indirect costs only with respect to final cost objectives. No final cost objective shall have allocated to it as an indirect cost any cost, if other costs incurred for the same purpose, in like circumstances, have been included as a direct cost of that or any other final cost objective. Further, no final cost objective shall have allocated to it as a direct cost any cost, if other costs incurred for the same purpose, in like circumstances, have been included in any indirect cost pool to be allocated to that or any other final cost objective.” See Charging Costs Directly or Indirectly to Sponsored Projects for more information.
This means there must be consistency in accounting campus-wide; all costs for similar circumstances must be charged the same.
Responsibility for following these guidelines lies primarily with Contracts and Grants. Contracts and Grants will also periodically review, by account code, costs normally charged indirectly that have been directly charged to sponsored agreements. Explanation of appropriateness or reversal of charges may be required.
The University of Florida administration is responsible for guidance and training and for ensuring compliance through periodic internal and external audits.
2 CFR 200 Quick Reference Guide
48 CFR 9905 – Cost Accounting Standards (CAS) for Education Institutions
RSH260: Cost Principles
RSH206: Cost Principles Advanced Topics
Contracts & Grants: (352) 392-1235
Cost Analysis: (352) 392-5778