Allowable Unencumbered Expenditures
Directive Statement
Unencumbered disbursements bypass the University’s purchasing system and should only occur where normal purchasing procedures are not available or where purchasing procedures do not provide any benefit to the transaction.
Allowable unencumbered expenditures include:
- Petty cash reimbursements
- Utilities/Telephone
- Freight/Postage
- Payments for $5,000 or less in a calendar year to independent contractors who are providing services to the University. An independent contractor would be an individual person that does not have insurance – such as a guest speaker
- Cellular charges
- Memberships/Subscriptions for Publications/Interlibrary Loans/Accreditation Fees $149,999 or less
- Direct travel payments (car rental, conference registrations, entry fees and hotel payments)
- Advertising (limited to newspaper/magazine ads)
- Fellowships/Tuition/Scholarships (non-payroll)
- Settlement agreements
- Notary charges
- Awards
- Self-Moves – When a department only allows a small amount toward moving expenses and the new faculty/staff member elects to move their own household goods
- Proctoring Services for $5,000 or less
- Licenses
- Insurance payments for $5,000 or less
- Royalty payments
- Honoraria
- Employee/Student verification services (background check, credit check, SSN verification, etc.)
- Food – Foundation (171 Fund-Source of “F” or “L”) and Health Science Center accounts (171 Funds-Source begins with “HSC”), DOCE and Auxiliary funding (Funds 141-162), 179 Misc. Donations, 192 Concession Funds, 191 Student Government Funds and 2XX (excluding 201) if research-related. A participant list and/or agenda is required to be submitted with backup documentation
- Clinical trial expenditures if being paid to UFHealth/Shands and FCPA
Exceptions will be granted when a valid business purpose exist.
Reason for Directive
Unencumbered expenditures bypass the normal purchasing process and, as such, are limited to certain expenditures.
Who must comply?
All University Departments.
UF HR Toolkit – myUF Marketplace
Disbursements: (352) 392-1241
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