This directive establishes the proper methods of administering annual inventory of attractive property. Departments are responsible for inventorying attractive property – it is not inventoried by Asset Management.
The purpose of this directive is to ensure proper accounting for capital assets and attractive property. The Board of Governors requires the University of Florida to complete an annual physical inventory of all capital assets. Other regulations, such as HIPAA and FERPA, require attractive property to be tracked, or departments may choose to track attractive property. See the Attractive Property Directive to identify attractive property.
The inventory is performed annually starting July 1st and ending March 31st. The deadlines for departments for completing the annual inventory are as follows:
All UF departments. Departments designate Property Custodians and Departmental Contacts who manage property for the department. Asset Management maintains a listing of Current Property Custodians and Contacts.
Departments will conduct an annual inventory of attractive property. The Annual Inventory for Capital Assets directive provides information about that process.
UF’s Space Tracking & Reporting System
Asset Management: (352) 392-2556
Division of Sponsored Research: (352) 392-9174
UF Help Desk: (352) 392-HELP