Donation of Surplus Property

Directive Statement

This directive establishes the proper methods for donations of property from UF Surplus.

Reason for Directive

UF Surplus donates furniture and equipment for community, non-profit, and educational use to support the communities in which we are present.

Who can enroll?

Schools and non-profit organizations can enroll in our donation program.


To register your non-profit organization you will need:

  • Copy of Organization’s Consumer Certificate of Exemption (DR-14) issued by Florida Dept. of Revenue.
  • Contact name, phone number, and email address for everyone who is authorized by the organization to pick donated items up from UF Surplus.

Click here to register your non-profit organization today!

Click here to see the items available for donation or visit the UF Surplus warehouse, available to the public Monday – Friday from 8:30 am – 4:00pm, at 976 Elmore Dr., Gainesville, FL 32611

Additional Requirements

  1. A limitation may be set to control the number of items an organization can receive during a specified period
  2. The surplus property must not be needed by another UF department or under bid

The organization is contractually required to:

  1. Return the surplus property to UF Surplus in the unlikely event that any sensitive information still exists on the property
  2. Use the surplus property appropriately according to all local, state and federal regulation
  3. Dispose of such surplus equipment as required by local, state and federal regulations


UF Surplus: (352) 392-0370


Sample Tax Exempt Form

Sample Donation Form

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