Fee-for-Service Educational Activity (FSEA) of the University of Florida may not include depreciation expense as part of their unit’s rates charged to internal users*. The cost of future equipment replacement cannot be built into the rates.
*Specialized Service Center that is approved by the Division of Sponsored Research and Senior Vice President of Finance and Chief Financial Officer may include both direct and indirect costs and are therefore excluded from the F&A cost pool of the institution.
The University elected to include the depreciation in the Federal Facilities and Administration (F&A) cost pool of the institution. Therefore, it is not an allowable cost as it could result in double-charging.
All Fee-for-Service Educational Activities.
F&A Rate percentage is applied to the expenditures of federally sponsored projects in order to recover the portion of the University overhead costs related to the execution of sponsored programs and includes expenses such as building and equipment depreciation, interest, utilities, general administration, and the library. For more information regarding F&A Rate, please see Cost Analysis.
When establishing a FSEA, a requesting department that uses machinery and other capital equipment must consider establishing an equipment replacement plan to ensure obsolescence is addressed with funds outside of the revenue generated from FSEA internal users.
External surcharge revenue generated through sales to customers outside the University departments can be used to replace equipment of the FSEA.
Fee-for-Service Educational Activity Rate Principles
Auxiliary Accounting: (352) 294-7236