
Directive Statement

The University’s investment goal is to maximize investment earnings while maintaining adequate cash to meet the University’s operating needs.  The primary objective is to place the highest priority on the safety of University of Florida principal and liquidity.  The optimization of investment income shall be secondary to the requirements for safety and liquidity.

Cash invested, as well as cash in the University’s bank accounts, is analyzed daily.  Investments are purchased or sold according to the operating cash needs of the University.  Invested cash is kept in an interest-bearing account, and earnings on investments will be distributed monthly as prescribed by University, State and Federal Laws, Rules and Procedures depending on the source and type of invested funds.

Reason for Directive

Investments are made in accordance with the University of Florida Investment Policy adopted by the Board of Trustees in accordance with Section 1011.42(5) and 218.415, Florida Statutes.


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