Directive Statement
This directive establishes the proper methods of submitting invoices to myUFMarketplace, as well as ensuring invoices contain all required attributes, including the redaction of sensitive information prior to submission. Invoices containing personal health information (PHI) cannot be submitted into the myUFMarketplace system and must be sent by the supplier directly to the department.
Reason for Directive
myUFMarketplace provides a supplier portal that enables electronic invoices to flow directly from suppliers to Disbursements, eliminating extra steps and reducing paper in the process. Invoices must be consistent and composed of specific attributes, depending on the purchase, to ensure that sufficient support is provided for the payment.
Who must comply?
All University Departments and suppliers.
Invoice Submission
Ensure that invoices are consistent and are composed of the same attributes. Suppliers are encouraged to submit electronic invoices and eliminate paper.
To submit invoices, both suppliers and departments can:
- Email invoices to
- Mail to University of Florida Accounts Payable (PO Box 3357, Scranton PA 18505) for Imaging
- Fax to 1-570-496-5411
When emailing invoices:
- Files must be in .pdf or .tif format
- Each file can contain only a single invoice
- Files should not be larger than 8MB
- Invoices must contain either a Purchase Order (PO) number or an 8-digit department ID number for the system to determine where to route the invoice. Encumbered invoices must contain the PO number. Please note – the PO and/or Dept ID can be written as long as the words “PO” or “Dept” are written in front of the numbers. Providing these labels will help avoid an AP Exception, which slows down the routing of the invoice.
An emailed file should normally take 24-48 hours to come into the system and route to the department. When invoices do not contain the proper information, the transaction will be classified as an AP Exception and this exception must be resolved by Disbursement Services staff. This can delay the time it takes an invoice to reach a department.
Sensitive Information
Any sensitive information, including:
- Social security number, or
- Credit card number, or
- Driver’s license number
must be redacted before it is put in the system. If this information is redacted before being uploaded the redaction will stay. Items redacted within myUFMarketplace will lose the redaction in myUFL.
Invoice Attributes
Important attributes for invoices submitted include the following:
- Thermo fax copies, because of their temporary nature, shall not be utilized as the original. It should be copied on a standard photocopy machine
- Invoices for commodities must clearly reflect:
- A description of the item or items (Numerical code descriptions alone will not be accepted)
- Number of units
- Cost per unit
- Invoices for contractual services must clearly reflect:
- The services/deliverables that were provided
- Invoices for fixed unit rate contracts must show the number of units and cost per unit
- Invoices for contracts paid out on a reimbursement basis or a fixed rate for a specific time period, e.g. quarterly, monthly, etc., must be supported by documentation (such as a progress report) that clearly reflects the services/deliverables provided during the invoice period
- Invoices for repairs, gas, maintenance, etc., to state vehicles (not through the UF Motor Pool_ the invoice must contain:
- The tag number
- The vehicle number
- An accident report (if applicable)
Invoices Containing Personal Health Information (PHI)
Suppliers that submit invoices containing PHI should be contacted by either the department or Disbursements and directed to send such invoices directly to the department for processing of payment. These invoices should not be submitted electronically by the supplier into myUFMarketplace.
- Complete The HSC-PHI Cover Sheet with the information acquired from the received invoice/statement
- The original invoice/statement containing the PHI should be kept by the department and not submitted as backup documentation to the voucher for payment in myUFMarketplace
- The completed HSC–PHI form should be the only backup documentation in myUFMarketplace
- Follow the steps in the UF HR Toolkit – Creating a Non-Purchase Order Invoice
- Upload the completed HSC-PHI form as a trailing document
HSC PHI Cover Sheet
Transaction Authorization Form
UF HR Toolkit – Creating a Non-Purchase Order Invoice
Disbursements: (352) 392-1241
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