Modify an Existing Fee-for-Service Educational Activity
Directive Statement
Approved Fee-for-Service Educational Activity (FSEA) may change the scope or nature of the activity conducted in the account established under the approval. Accountable Officers are required to update their Request to Operate a Fee-for-Service Educational Activity form any time there is a material change in the scope or nature of the activity.
Examples of material changes would include:
- A new activity
- Expansion of services to a new group of customers (ex. unit wants to conduct business with external customers)
- Expansion of activities outside of the original proposal (ex. out of State, internationally, etc.)
- New good/service provided by the activity
- A variation in the rate (ex. rate adjusted for time-of-day operation)
- Subsidies needed for an existing service
FSEA Fiscal personnel must complete a Request to Update Fee-for-Service Educational Activity and describe the change in activity.
Reason for Directive
To ensure that fiscal operations for University of Florida Fee-for-Service Educational Activities are approved, thereby ensuring compliance with sound business practices, financial accounting and reporting principles, and government regulations.
Who must comply?
All UF departments.
The routing and approval of an FSEA modification follows the same process as the creation of a new FSEA unit:
- Request to Update Fee-for-Service Educational Activity is completed by the department and signed by the appropriate Dean/Department Head
- Auxiliary Accounting Office performs an initial review of the application and assists the department in completing the form and rate setting, if needed
- Auxiliary Advisory committee reviews the application
- If approved by the committee, the Auxiliary Accounting Office will forward the request to the Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer for final review
- The Auxiliary Accounting Office will notify the requestor of approval or denial of the application
Auxiliary Accounting: (352) 294-7236
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