Directive Statement
This directive establishes the proper method of obtaining or transferring a license plate or title for a University vehicle. Asset Management is the only department authorized to obtain license plates, titles, or registrations for all UF vehicles, vessels, trailers, or aircraft from the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) and Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). If your department is in possession of the title to a vehicle or vessel, please immediately contact Asset Management at (352) 392-2556.
Reason for Directive
The purpose of this directive is to ensure we are responsible stewards, we identify and track property to minimize risk due to theft or loss, and we meet regulatory compliance standards.
Who must comply?
All UF departments.
- Follow the Procurement – Departmental Vehicles guidelines for the purchase of any vehicle
- Asset Management will receive most of the needed paperwork from Motor Pool, including the:
- MSO (Manufacturer’s Statement of Origin) – for new vehicles
- Title – for purchase of a previously owned vehicles
- Completed Application for Title – to obtain a new title for the recently purchased vehicle
- The department will provide Asset Management with the Chartfield information for the cost of the license plate, registration, and title
- At this time, the department will notify Asset Management if a license plate tag needs to be transferred between vehicles. Please note the following:
- “State” license plates do not expire
- For cost savings when trading in an older vehicle, the license plate can be transferred to the new vehicle
- Each State of Florida license plate tag is registered to an individual UF vehicle by the vehicle identification number (VIN)
- It is illegal to “swap” out a license plate between UF vehicles
- If a license plate is swapped, both the department and driver could be issued a ticket for having an unlicensed vehicle on the road, the vehicle could be impounded, and the University is placed at risk if there is an accident
- After receiving all documentation from the Motor Pool and information from the department, Asset Management will provide the department:
- A copy of the registration
- An insurance pamphlet
- License plate
Please allow a minimum of two weeks for processing
- The department will be notified when these are ready, and a representative must pick them up and sign for them at Elmore Hall
- Return ALL removed license plates to Asset Management to be returned to the DMV
Procurement – Departmental Vehicles
Motor Pool
UF HR Toolkit – Asset Management
Asset Management: (352) 392-2556
Motor Pool: (352) 392-1131 [After hours, (352) 318-0844]
Procurement: (352) 392-1331
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