Participation in Component Unit Investments

Directive Statement

The University of Florida has established an investment program for the investment of funds of the University and of its Direct Support Organizations (DSOs) and Component Units (CUs) to provide for safety of capital, liquidity matched to needs for funds, and the optimization of investment returns at an acceptable degree of risk and at an acceptable cost.

Reason for Directive

Investments are made in accordance with the University of Florida Investment Policy adopted by the Board of Trustees in accordance with Section 1011.42(5) and 218.415, Florida Statutes.

Who Must Comply?

All University departments.


  1. Any CU who wishes to invest excess cash in the University’s investment program may do so by initiating the process through the Banking & Merchant Services office
  2. CUs should fill out the University of Florida Component Unit Account-to-Account transfer request form and either fax or email back to Banking & Merchant Services
  3. The CU will be notified once the transfer request has been processed


Banking & Merchant Services: (352) 392-9057

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