Directive Statement
This directive establishes the proper methods of paying invoices in myUF Marketplace. The approval of an invoice in the myUF Marketplace system constitutes verification by the department that the goods and services being paid for have been received. If documentation of receipt is not attached in myUF Marketplace, the department is responsible for maintaining such documentation for audit purposes. Once goods and services are received, an invoice is processed, and a voucher is made to schedule payment to the supplier.
Reason for Directive
To ensure that invoices provide appropriate documentation for transactions, are uploaded accurately into the system, and do not contain sensitive information.
Who must comply?
All University Departments.
Security Roles
To acquire roles, contact your Department Security Administrator (DSA).
- View vouchers in myUFL only: UF_FI_UNIVERSAL_INQUIRY.
- Department Level 1 Approver in myUF Marketplace: UF_N_MKT_REQUESTOR.
- Department Level 2 Approver in myUF Marketplace: UF_N_MKT_FINANCIAL_APPROVER.
Note: Whenever the role UF_N_MKT_REQUESTOR or UF_N_MKT_FINANCIAL_APPROVER is requested for an employee, the myUF MarketPlace Department Supervisor Approval Form to request departmental invoice approval should be attached to the Contact Form.
Additional Roles
All users of the financial modules of myUFL need the role of UF_SY_BUSUNIT_UFLOR.
DSO personnel will need the myUFL role of UF_FI_UNIVERSAL_INQUIRY to have authority to view vouchers and UF_AP_VOUCHER_PROCESSOR to input vouchers and Revenue Refunds in the myUFL system.
Basic Payment Requirements
Keep these rules in mind and apply them when necessary:
- No balances for prior purchases will be paid unless supported by an invoice
- A statement should not be paid unless it can be clearly shown that the supplier intended it to be used as an invoice
- Ensure all sensitive information, social security number, credit card number, or driver’s license number has been redacted
Receipt of Goods and Services
All departments must maintain a proper method to document the receipt of all goods and services prior to an invoice being processed for payment.
Receiving is required to be performed in the myUF Marketplace system for purchases of capital assets.
- When approving an invoice applied against an encumbrance for capital assets, add a comment with the following required information for capitalization: Received Date, Location, Manufacturer, Model, Responsible Party and Serial number – follow the steps in the UF HR Toolkit – Adding Asset Information to an Invoice
Procedures for Encumbered Disbursements
Once goods and services are received, an invoice is processed, and a voucher is made to schedule payment to the supplier.
All invoices should be approved in the myUF Marketplace system:
- Navigate to: Main Menu > My Self Service > myUF Marketplace
- If the invoice is received by the department, follow the steps in the UF HR Toolkit – Creating an Invoice from a Purchase Order
- “Assign” the invoice to yourself in order to “work” it (enter any required information, review for accuracy, etc.)
- Click “Finalize Step” to approve the invoice for payment
- Once 100% of the price or quantity of a PO is utilized, the myUFMarketplace will automatically Soft Close a PO – this is the same as finalization of a PO in myUFL (finalization in myUFL is no longer required).
- After the final payment information writes back to the voucher in the myUFMarketplace, the system will close the PO.
- If a PO needs to be closed prior to 100% usage, navigate to the PO in myUFMarketplace and choose “Close PO” in the action box. Follow the steps in the UF HR Toolkit – Closing a Purchase Order.
- If needed, a PO can be reopened. Fill out Contact Form for assistance.
Procedures for Unencumbered Disbursements
As stated above, ensure that only allowable purchases are made unencumbered, and pay special attention to these payments. They bypass the University’s purchasing system and should only occur where normal purchasing procedures are not available or where purchasing procedures do not provide any benefit to the transaction.
Unencumbered vouchers will fail budget checking if the budget is insufficient for the payment of the invoice.
All invoices should be approved in the myUFMarketplace system by:
- Navigate to: Main Menu > My Self Service > myUFMarketplace
- Department Level 1 Approvers will follow the steps in the UF HR Toolkit – Creating a Non-Purchase Order Invoice to create the invoice in the system (if needed)
- “Assign” the invoice to yourself in order to “work” it (enter any required information, review for accuracy, etc.)
- Click “Finalize Step” to approve the invoice and send it into workflow for the Department Level 2 approval
- Department Level 2 Approvers will approve the invoice.
Complete a Transaction Authorization Form if supporting documentation does not exist for a transaction in myUFMarketplace.
- If you are a Department Level 1 Approver, assign invoice to yourself. This step is not needed for Department Level 2.
- Verify backup documentation is attached.
- Verify the business purpose is appropriate, verify invoice total matches the line total, verify funding source (chartfields) is correct, verify supplier is correct, verify the invoice date/number
- Approve the transaction by selecting Finalize in the action box and clicking on Go..
Procedures for Invoices Containing Personal Health Information (PHI)
Suppliers that submit invoices containing PHI should be contacted by either the department or Disbursements and directed to send such invoices directly to the department for processing of payment. These invoices should not be submitted electronically by the supplier into the myUFMarketplace system.
- Complete the HSC-PHI Cover Sheet with the information acquired from the received invoice/statement
- The original invoice/statement containing the PHI should be kept by the department and not submitted as backup documentation to the voucher for payment in myUF Marketplace
- The completed HSC–PHI form should be the only backup documentation in myUFMarketplace
- Follow the steps in the UF HR Toolkit – Creating a Non-Purchase Order Invoice
- Upload the completed HSC-PHI form as an external attachment
One-Time Payments (Refunds)
Refunds must be entered as Non-PO Invoices in the myUFMarketplace system, including all the pertinent information needed.
All one time payments to suppliers should follow normal methods for adding new suppliers.
Additional Information
To make corrections after a payment has posted, perform an E2E Journal Entry. The originator of an E2E journal entry should never debit or credit a budgetary cost center in which they do not have budgetary responsibility.
Creating a Non-Purchase Order Invoice
HSC PHI Cover Sheet
Transaction Authorization Form
UF HR Toolkit – myUF Marketplace
UF HR Toolkit – Creating an Invoice from a Purchase Order
UF HR Toolkit – Creating a Non-Purchase Order Invoice
UF HR Toolkit – Journal Entries
Contact Form
Disbursements: (352) 392-1241
General Accounting & Financial Reporting: (352) 392-1326
Contracts & Grants: (352) 392-1235
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