This directive establishes the proper methods to set up minor construction projects from the time the project is requested to the time it is completed for Planning, Design, and Construction projects (NOT IFAS and Housing).
To establish a standard procedure for how minor construction projects at the University should be handled by departments.
All University Departments EXCEPT IFAS and Housing.
Planning, Design and Construction Project Request System (For non-housing or IFAS requests)
Step 1: Project is requested by College/Department/Entity through the Planning Design, and Construction (PDC) project portal.
Step 2: Projects meeting the required criteria are approved through Construction Project Planning Executive Council (CPPEC).
Step 3: Projects not requiring CPPEC approval are assigned a PDC Minor Project number, PDC Project Manager, PDC Contract Administrator, and given approval to proceed to scope and budgetary discussions with requesting department.
Step 4: Upon agreement regarding project scope and budget, the College/Department/Entity provides PDC with funding source(s) that will be utilized and/or obtained (examples listed below).
Examples of funding sources:
Step 5: PDC Project Manager creates the budget in the Project Tracker system and assigns the department’s fiscal contact. The Project Tracker system sends the funding request to the department contact. The department contact adds the valid funding source and the system routes the funding notice directly to Construction Accounting who then processes the request. If the project requires additional department funding, the PDC Project Manager routes a “budget amendment” to department for approval, inclusion of valid funding source, and subsequent routing to Construction Accounting for processing.
Step 6: Construction Accounting will create a project in PeopleSoft with receipt of funding request from department. Note: PECO Minor Monies are received from the Florida Legislature/Board of Governors in a lump sum formula generated allotment. These funds are used primarily for projects that extend the useful life of the facilities (ie; Roofs, Air Handling Units, etc.), or ADA/Fire code corrective projects and scopes.
Step 7: The PDC Contract Administrator submits requisitions to UF Procurement Services to create Purchase Orders after receipt of approved quotes, proposals, and contracts from PDC Project Manager for the actual cost of work.
Step 8: Invoices are directly uploaded by the vendor to the University of Florida’s Accounts Payable system and are reviewed and approved by the PDC Project Manager.
Step 9: The invoice is then routed to the PDC Contract Administrator for a second review and approval.
Step 10: The PDC Contractor Administrator routes approved invoices to Construction Accounting team for processing and final approval.
Step 11: Construction Accounting team reviews to ensure monies are available to pay the invoices and breaks down the invoices for componentization, to be classified and accounted for as an asset on the University’s books.
Step 12: Invoice is paid.
Step 13: At the completion of the project, it is reviewed for closeout and capitalized in the accounting system.
Board of Trustees Construction Policy
Construction Accounting: (352) 392-5778
Planning, Design and Construction: (352) 273-4000