Directive Statement
This directive establishes the proper methods of completing annual RAC of capital assets and attractive property. When a department is relocating an asset to an off-site location, or an item is intermittently traveling, the department must complete a RAC Form in myAssets before the equipment is removed from campus. If UF property is going to be taken outside the United States, the Foreign Travel or Shipping Request procedures must also be followed.
Departments are responsible for verifying the completion of off-site certifications by their employees of attractive property and capital assets. The RAC will be required annually as long as the item is located off-site campus or continues to travel. Annual off-site certifications are required starting July 1st and are due no later than September 30th. For any equipment taken off-site after September 30th, an off-site certification is due immediately.
Reason for Directive
The Board of Governors and governmental regulations require the University of Florida to document the location of property, and this directive ensures the proper accounting of capital assets and attractive property.
Who must comply?
All UF departments.
- Notify the Departmental Contact for the property if its location will be off-site. Asset Management maintains a listing of Current Property Custodians and Contacts
- Please note: All mobile computing devices should be identified as off-site property within myAssets, unless the department can demonstrate and document a business purpose for individual mobile devices not being categorized as off-site
If so, the business purpose documentation must be emailed annually to Asset Management at
- Provide the Department Contact with your UFID number and the UF decal number on the item. If there is no UF decal number, please provide the serial number
- The Department Contact will ensure that these items are:
- Tagged as being UF property
- Assigned to an individual
- Have an address identified in myAssets
- Individuals are notified electronically, via email, with a request to complete the online form
- Note the following:
- The Off-Site Certification must be completed by the property user
- The property user certifies the property’s current location and that it is still used for UF business purposes
- The certification is completed annually for all UF property that is not located at a UF owned, leased, or used location
- If the property is being used by a Non-UF Employee, the property user will complete a Non-UF Employee Certification online, which outlines the user’s responsibilities while the UF item is in the user’s possession and fulfills the annual inventory requirements for the item
- If the property user has a current e-mail address in the UF directory an e-mail will be sent notifying the user that the item is ready for certification
- If the user does not receive the e-mail or the e-mail gets deleted, it can be accessed directly in myAssets
- The Non-UF Employee Certification only needs to be completed once a year if the user is regularly traveling with a specific piece of equipment
Attractive Property Management
Capital Asset Management
Current Property Custodians and Contacts
UF’s Space Tracking & Reporting System
Off-Site Certification
UF HR Toolkit – Asset Management
Asset Management: (352) 392-2556
Division of Sponsored Research: (352) 392-9174
UF Help Desk: (352) 392-HELP
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