Required Supplier Forms

Directive Statement

This directive establishes the requirements for different kinds of suppliers.

Reason for Directive

It is important to ensure that all suppliers have adequate documentation and are legitimate suppliers of the University of Florida.  Requests for suppliers to be added to the University’s supplier file will be compared against the U.S. Government Federally Debarred Supplier listing.  Any supplier listed on this site is excluded from receiving Federal contracts, subcontracts, and Federal financial and non-financial assistance and benefits.

Who must comply?

All University Departments.

Business Suppliers

Supplier Tax Information Form and IRS Form W-9

Provides information for proper tax reporting, these documents can be found inside the Supplier Portal.

Disclosure of Outside Activities and Financial Interests Form

This form must be completed for all payments to an employee’s business(es).  To avoid any appearance of conflict that could arise between an employee’s obligation to the University and such outside activities, this form must be completed when contracting with an employee’s business to perform services for the University.  Please note the following:

  1. Employees may engage in outside activities which provide service to the community and the University as long as they are not using their social security number for tax purposes
  2. If the employee is using their social security number for tax purposes, they must be paid thru Payroll

Consultants/Individuals Using SSN

Supplier Tax Information Form

Provides information for proper tax reporting.

Wireless Device Allowances

Wireless device form and ACH form required, along with the first page of a redacted bank statement OR a voided check.Please submit a ticket request to

  • Name
  • UFID of employee
  • Business purpose – wireless device allowance


No forms required. Please submit a ticket request to

  • Name
  • UFID (if applicable)
  • Address
  • Brief description of what the individual is being refunded for

Foreign Suppliers

Since tax laws can differ from region to region, the review and approval of Payroll Services is required for Disbursements to process foreign suppliers.  Please follow the information in the “Requirements for Payments to Foreign Nationals, NRAs and Foreign Corporations” directive and procedure to ensure compliance.


ACH Form

Bank Wire Form

IRS Form W-9

Supplier Tax Information Form


Contact Form

Disbursements: (352) 392-1241

Payroll Services: (352) 392-1231

Supplier Maintenance Fax: (352) 392-0081

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