Setting up the Approved FSEA

Directive Statement

Once a Fee-for-Service Educational Activity (FSEA) has been reviewed by the Auxiliary Advisory Committee and approved by the Senior Vice President of Finance and Chief Financial Officer, the departmental requestor will receive a letter with an approved application from the Auxiliary Accounting Office.

All revenue, costs, and subsidies relating to the Fee-for-Service Educational Activity (FSEA) must be accounted for accurately.  To accomplish this, all FSEA units should have a separate Fund and Department Chartfield established for the tracking of the transactions related to the services provided.  Tracking for different services or sales within a single Fee-for-Service Educational Activity is also required.

In addition, all other requirements below must be followed to establish the new unit within the University.

Establishing FSEA Accounts

To establish an approved FSEA in the University Accounting system, the following steps should be taken:

  1. FSEA fiscal personnel submits the a Department ID Request Form for the approved Activity
  2. Upon processing of the form, General Accounting and Financial Reporting will establish a department ID in the appropriate series, enter a zero-dollar budget to activate the Chartfield string, and notify the requestor
    • The department must provide the name of the Fiscal Officer who will be responsible for reporting and monitoring activity for the cost center
  3. Optional Chartfields may be used to help track the cost of services.  The use of flex fields can be particularly helpful when an individual flex field is assigned to the revenue and expense entries for a line of service.
  4. If the unit will have personnel costs, FSEA fiscal staff must complete “Combo Code Request form” and forward it to General Accounting and Financial Reporting to establish appropriate allocations in the PeopleSoft Accounting System

While many Fee-For-Service Educational Activities use separate accounting systems to help track and maintain the services provided, these must be reconciled to the myUFL PeopleSoft general ledger – this is the official accounting record of the University of Florida.

Other Requirements to Establish the FSEA

  1. FSEA fiscal staff must contact Banking & Merchant Services to establish the unit as a Cash Collection Site and assess the need for treasury services.  Treasury team can guide the unit on appropriate requirements regarding cash handing, deposit and credit card processing
  2. The FSEA fiscal manager should request an Internal Billing Processor (E2R) Peoplesoft Security Role through their unit’s Department Security Administrator.  E2R training is required for granting of this role
  3. All FSEA fiscal staff must be familiar with operational guidelines for a University unit of this type to ensure roles and responsibilities of the unit are clearly understood
  4. The FSEA rates must be published and made available to the campus community.  The rates are usually shared on the unit’s website or made available through other means
  5. The department must provide to the Auxiliary Accounting Office the name of the Departmental Accountable Officer and FSEA Fiscal staff that will be responsible for reporting and monitoring activity for the approved unit


New Department ID Request Form

Combination Code Request Form


Auxiliary Accounting: (352) 294-7236

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