Surplus Pick-Up Requests

Directive Statement

This directive establishes the proper methods of sending items to UF Surplus using the Surplus Pick-Up Request.  The Surplus Pick-up Request requires a description, location, condition, and tag(decal)number, if applicable.

Reason for Directive

UF Surplus provides an easy way for surplus property to be reused by other departments within the University or repurposed by another entity.  In addition, UF Surplus recycles end-of-life surplus property that cannot be used by other departments within the University or repurposed by another entity to reduce or eliminate the waste that is placed into landfills.

By working together, we can support UF’s Strategic Plan and achieve the University’s sustainability goals.

Who can surplus items?

The Department Contact and Property Custodian can request unneeded furniture and equipment to be picked up from their department with a Surplus Pick-up Request in myAssets.

Prepare the Surplus Items

  1. When requesting the disposal of equipment that may be biohazardous, radioactive or chemically toxic, the department must ensure compliance with all Environmental Health and Safety regulations and obtain any required certifications, which can be found at Hazardous Waste Disposal
  2. Move surplus items stored on high shelving or obstructed by other obstacles so they are easily accessible for the UF Surplus staff
  3. Surplus items located in a facility that is deemed inaccessible can be denied for pick-up
  4. Dismantle any items that are attached to a building or otherwise require dismantling (such as desks that are assembled as work stations, shelving that is bolted together, or laboratory equipment that is assembled with other laboratory equipment) so that they are easily accessible for the UF Surplus staff to efficiently remove
  5. For heavy or cumbersome surplus items, if the UF Surplus staff is unable to remove the items safely, the department will be referred to Facility Services Work Management or an outside supplier to remove the items and deliver them to UF Surplus
  6. Remove all sensitive data from hard drives of computer equipment
    Please note, UF Surplus will sanitize media equipment in a manner that makes access to previously stored data impossible, in accordance with UFIT standards.  Therefore, it is important to secure your data (on hard drives, diskettes, tapes, flash drives, etc.) prior to disposal/transfer
  7. Remove oil, liquids, and chemicals for the safety of UF Surplus staff and in accordance with the policies of the Facilities Services Recycling Yard before completing a Surplus Pick-Up Request
  8. Surplus property made of glass or containing large amounts of glass cannot be picked up for the safety of UF Surplus staff
  9. Surplus property must be in an area that does not propose a health hazard or safety issue for the UF Surplus staff.  Therefore, if the facility contains asbestos, toxic chemicals, or known insect infestation, the Surplus Pick-up request may be denied since it poses a liability and health risk for the UF Surplus staff
  10. For the safety of all the UF community, please do not store surplus property in hallways while awaiting pick-up.  If you are having issues with storing your items while awaiting pick-up, please contact the UF Surplus Manager at (352) 392-0370

Items Containing Freon

Freon should be removed from equipment, for the safety of UF Surplus staff, in accordance to the policies of the Facilities Services Recycling Yard and to comply with EPA regulation section 608. The following procedures must be followed for Surplus Pick-up requests that contain Freon:

Non-working Refrigerator/Freezer Units

  1. Submit a Surplus Property Pick-up Request following the steps in that section (below)
  2. Contact a HVAC vendor to have the Freon removed from your unit. Please note: Departments are responsible for the cost of Freon removal.
    • UF Procurement‘s suggested vendors
      • Climate Control (352) 291-0185
      • Comfort Temp (352) 376-2366
      • Custom Air and Mechanical (386) 336-5252
      • HVAC Concepts (352) 421-2912
      • Michael Metzger (352) 228-4411
      • Taylord HVAC (352) 727-0444
  3. Print an Equipment Disposal – Refrigerant Recovery form and have the contractor sign, certifying Freon has been removed properly
  4. Attach the completed Freon Form to Surplus Pickup Request in myAssets
  5. After the form is received, and Freon has been removed, UF Surplus staff will schedule a pick-up or you can drop the item off at the UF Surplus warehouse

Working Refrigerator/Freezer Units

  1. List the item on the UF Property Swap Listserv ( so that other UF departments can reuse the item in their department
  2. If the item is not claimed by anyone on the listserv, then submit a Surplus Property Pick-Up Request following the steps in that section (below)
  3. For units that are laboratory use only, please email:, and in the subject field put “Refrigerator/Freezer Laboratory Use Only.”  UF Surplus will need to determine if Freon will be required to be removed
  4. UF Surplus staff will contact you with their determination. If Freon needs to be removed, please follow the steps in the “Non-Working Refrigerator/Freezer Units” section above.  Otherwise, UF Surplus staff will schedule a pick-up of your item

Submit a Surplus Pick-Up Request

  1. The Departmental Contact will go to myAssets and login with their Gatorlink
  2. Click on SURPLUS -> Submit Surplus Pickup
  3. Follow instructions provided by the UF HR Toolkit – Submit a Surplus Pick-Up Request
  4. The request will be submitted to the Property Custodian to approve
  5. Once the request has been approved, you will be notified by e-mail that the request has been scheduled – it will be picked up within 14 days
  6. Or, you can drop the item off at the UF Surplus Warehouse at 976 Elmore Drive Gainesville, FL 32611 – Hours of operation are Monday-Friday 8:30am – 4:00pm


Chemical and Radioactive Waste Disposal

Equipment Disposal Form – Refrigerant Recovery

Procurement Website


UF HR Toolkit – Submit a Surplus Pick-Up Request


UF Surplus: (352) 392-0370

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