Tax Exempt Bonds used to finance buildings and other capital improvements can produce a myriad of tax considerations, and Deans, Directors, and Department Chairs should be aware that these rules are very complex and seek the advice of the Office of General Counsel. If these arrangements are not carefully reviewed by legal counsel, the results could be very costly and harmful to the University.
The purpose of this directive is to facilitate compliance with all federal tax rules and regulations related to the issuance of tax-exempt debt. Generally, the interest paid to the bondholders is tax-exempt under Internal Revenue Code (IRC) section 103(a). However, the interest paid on private activity bonds is taxable.
All university departments.
IRS Tax Exempt Bonds Information
UF Debt Policy (SUS BOG Debt Management Guidelines)
Tax Services: (352) 294-7266
University Controller’s Office: (352) 392-1321