Trading of Goods or Services

Directive Statement

The trading of Fee-for-Service Educational Activity (FSEAs) goods or services with suppliers for other goods and services, or the purchase of giveaways or promotional items is prohibited unless approved by the Vice President and Chief Financial Officer (CFO) or by the CFO’s designee.

Reason for Directive

Fee-for-Service Educational Activities are to be conducted in accordance with good business practices and with the laws, rules, regulations, and policies of the State of Florida and the University.  While it is desirable that Fee-for-Service Educational Activities be given the flexibility they need to effectively and efficiently operate, it is also necessary that such activities be conducted in a manner that is proper and appropriate in appearance, as well as in fact.

Who must comply?

All Fee-for-Service Educational Activities.


Auxiliary Accounting: (352) 294-7236

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