Transfer (Receive) Property from UF Surplus

Directive Statement

This directive establishes the proper methods for transfer of property from UF Surplus.

Reason for Directive

In support of UF’s Strategic Plan and UF’s sustainability initiative, UF Surplus reuses, refurbishes, and recycles surplus property received from UF departments, Direct Support Organizations (DSOs), Health Science Center Affiliates (HSC), and Shands Hospital in accordance with all local, state, and federal regulations.  Items include:

  • Furniture
  • Equipment (computers, laptops, monitors, and printers)
  • Scientific and Medical equipment
  • Vehicles

UF Surplus provides an easy way for surplus property to be reused by other departments within the University or repurposed by another entity.  The UF Surplus PC shop refurbishes computer equipment to meet UF Information Technology (UFIT) standards.  UF Surplus recycles end-of-life surplus property that cannot be used by other departments within the University or repurposed by another entity to reduce or eliminate the waste that is placed into landfills.

By working together, we can support UF’s Strategic Plan and achieve the University’s sustainability goals.

Who must comply?

Property Custodians, Departmental Contacts, and Authorized UF Warehouse users.


Only pre-authorized users can pick up equipment from the UF Surplus.  The Departmental Contact must initiate a request to pre-authorize a UF Warehouse User in myAssets.  The Property Custodian will approve all requests for pre-authorization.

Items available for departmental transfer from UF Surplus.

The UF Surplus warehouse is available to UF Departments Monday-Friday from 8:30am to 4:00pm and is located at 976 Elmore Dr., Gainesville, FL 32611.

Please note the following when picking up items from the UF Surplus Warehouse:

  1. All surplus property deemed viable will be available for 14 days to allow other departments the option of acquiring the property before it is sold or recycled
    Please note: During times of space limitations the Assistant Controller for Asset Management may reduce or waive the time period that surplus property is available on the UF Surplus before it is disposed
  2. To provide equal opportunity for all departments to choose the most valued surplus property available from UF Surplus, departments may be limited on the number of items each department can obtain from UF Surplus during a specified time period
  3.  Since the University has first claim on any surplus property at UF Surplus, departments can request that items currently for sale by action to be removed from auction and transferred to the department. When a university department or component unit submits an Equipment Request using the Online Shopping website for furniture and equipment. The UF Surplus employee responsible for fulfilling the Equipment Request will first fulfill the order from available items with a status of “in warehouse or warehouse tested.” If there are no items in the warehouse that currently meet the need of the department, the UF Surplus employee will review items currently on auction.  If the item that is currently on auction may meet the needs of the department, the UF Surplus employee will contact the department to review the auction item to verify that the item will fulfill their request by looking at the auction detail. If the department states that it will fulfill their request than the UF Surplus employee will note the conversation and auction number on the printed equipment request form and request from the UF Surplus Operations Manager to end the auction. The UF Surplus Operations Manager will petition management to end the action. Should approval be granted, then the Operations Manager will end the auction and a transfer form will be completed for the item. 

Departments can also utilize the UF Property Swap Listserv, which is open to all faculty and staff and is used to find a home for unneeded UF furniture.


UF Surplus Website


UF HR Toolkit – Asset Management


UF Surplus: (352) 392-0370

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