This directive establishes the proper methods of viewing documentation for approved transactions.
The purpose of this directive is to ensure adequate documentation exists for all approved transactions.
All University Departments.
There are certain myUFL security roles needed to enter or view a voucher. Contact your Department Security Administrator (DSA) to acquire a role.
All vouchers will available for viewing in myUFL via the “OnBase Document” button located in the voucher.
In the UF Marketplace, use the Search feature to select the criteria needed to identify the required invoice population.
This is the position designated to coordinate access requests to University’s systems at the Dept ID level.
A voucher is an online request for payment that holds PO/invoice information and creates a payment schedule.
UF HR Toolkit – Paying Suppliers
UF HR Toolkit – myUFMarketplace
Disbursements: (352) 392-1241
PCard: (352) 392-1331