Forms & Resources


UF GO Forms

Below, are the forms required to complete to set up or update delegates, delegate approvers, and financial approvers for the UF GO system.

UF GO Delegate Form
UF GO Delegate Request Form – This form is provided to establish Delegates for Users in UF GO. To establish Delegate Approvers, review the UF GO Delegate Approvers form.


    1. Enter the information in the template form
    2. Send the completed form to the UF GO team via the Contact Form
    3. A Travel Office member will reach out to confirm the changes
UF GO Delegate Approver Form
UF GO Delegate Approver Request Form – This form is provided to establish Delegates for Approvers in UF GO.


    1. Advice the Delegate Approver to complete UGO200
    2. After training is completed, have your unit’s DSA request the UF_N_TPS_APPROVER – no need for additional comments
    3. Enter the new Delegate Approver information in the template form
    4. Send the completed form to the UF GO team via the Contact Form
    5. A Travel Office member will reach out to confirm the changes
UF GO Financial Approver Form
UF GO Financial Approver Form – This form is provided to establish Financial Approvers in UF GO. When completing the form, ensure for each department ID a primary and secondary Financial Approver is listed.


    1. New Financial Approver takes UGO200 Training
    2. Department DSA requests the UF_N_TPS_APPROVER security role – no need for additional comments in this process
    3. Enter the Financial Approver information in the template form
    4. Send the completed form to the UF GO team via the Contact Form
    5. A Travel Office member will reach out to confirm the changes

Additional Forms

Travel-Related Forms

For a complete list, visit the Travel’s website FAQs & Resources page.

PCard-Related Forms

For a complete list, visit the PCard Forms page.


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