Faculty & Staff Payment Options


This establishes the various methods of paying UF faculty and staff account charges.  Payments on all financial obligations will be applied on the basis of the age of debt.  The oldest debt will be paid first.

Information about general payment options, including online and mail payments, can be found here.  Information about education benefits at the University of Florida can be found in the UF HR Toolkit – Employee Education Program.

Please review your charges due in ONE.UF; select the Campus Finances (Bursar) card > View My Account > Charges Due to ensure all debts are paid by the listed due date.

Payroll Deductions

Voluntary Payroll Deduction

Voluntary payroll deduction is a self-service function of myUFL in which the employee will have full control of setup and management of these payments.

One-time or multiple recurring payments can be setup to pay charges. Setup is simple and easy.  To begin, please log into myUFL > Main Menu > My Self Service > Payroll and Compensation > Voluntary Deductions.

Involuntary Payroll Deduction

Per University Regulation 6C1-3.0421, the University is authorized to collect all delinquent accounts owed.  If an employee fails to pay charges due in a timely manner, the university may take adverse action in an attempt to collect these debts.

Notification will be made prior to set-off of wages.

Twenty days after notification is sent, the university may withhold 10 percent or less of the employee’s bi-weekly gross salary, until the debt is satisfied.

Departmental Payments

If the department is paying for tuition, please see the UF Departments – Paying Tuition and Fees.

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