GatorFamily Payment Access


Students can authorize their parents to access our vendor, CashNet, to make payments on their account.

For more information on payment options, returned payments, and financial award processes, please visit the Payments section of this site.

GatorFamily Payment Access

The student initiates this service:

  • Log into ONE.UF
  • Select the Campus Finances (Bursar) card > View My Account
  • Under “Related Links,” select GatorFamily Payment Access
  • Check the box after reading and accepting the terms
  • Click on the “Continue” button
  • The system will direct you to our Third Party Authorized Vendor,
  • Select My Account, under Payers select “Send a payer invitation”
  • Complete the payer information including, the payer’s email address

The GatorFamily member will receive an email confirmation from our third-party vendor, CashNet, and additional instructions for making payments.

General Information

Email notices will be sent to students that have balances on their accounts.  These emails are sent on the 11th and 27th of every month to the students’ GatorLink e-mail.  Students are advised to check their student account at ONE.UF for the details on charges due.

Types of charges due on the student’s account might include tuition and fees, non-tuition charges including housing, dining, other UF department charges and short-term loans.  Students are encouraged to pay their outstanding charges on time to avoid late fees and financial holds.

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