Tier 2 Checklist for Monthly Reconciliation Review


This checklist is designed to assist Tier 2 reviewers with the Monthly Reconciliation.  A Tier 2 reviewer is responsible for the finances of the department and reviews the reconciliation prepared by Tier 1.  Tier 2 reviewers will:

  • Review the reconciliation prepared by Tier 1
  • Do a deep sampling
  • Check the month-to-month, year-to-year, and other comparable data
  • Critically look for errors that might not be caught by Tier 1

This checklist is not intended to be all inclusive but rather provide a starting point for reviewers creating or modifying current departmental processes.

Tier 2 Checklist for Reconciliation Review

For questions, suggestions, or updates to this checklist please e-mail controller-office@ad.ufl.edu.


UF HR Toolkit – Reconciliation


Tier 2 Reconciliation Review Training Class in Progress

PST130 – Reconciliation for Tier 1

CFO400 – Fiscal Responsibility for UF Leaders (Designed for Tier 3 and their teams)

PRO303 – Internal Controls at UF


University Controller’s Office: (352) 392-1321

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