This provides a list of useful queries for Tier 2 employees.
Please submit a ticket to the Finance Hub contact form with suggestions of queries to add.
Please note – a wildcard symbol ( %) may be used in place of input field (excluding dates) if the field is unknown or the user wants all results.
Fiscal Year to Date balance by Fund, Account, Dept, Project
Fiscal Year to Date balance by Fund, Account, Dept
Fiscal Year to Date balance by Account
Fiscal Year to Date balance by Department
Fiscal Year to Date balance by Fund for specific DSO
Life to Date balances on Projects, Funds, Accounts, Department, Source
Please note – a wildcard symbol ( %) may be used in place of input field (excluding dates) if the field is unknown or the user wants all results.
Used to show all journal entries associated with a specific voucher. Enter voucher ID number.
To search for journals posted by a specific user ID.
Used if voucher you are viewing is very large and you would like to see all lines on one Excel tab.
To view all lines of specific deposit.
Find the deposit number from the journal entry number (crosswalk).
Used to review budget activity in a specific cost center and for GL/KK variance review.
To show which lines of a journal have budget errors.
GL detail by Fund with Flex – Query to help locate a journal number if you know account, dept, fund or other ChartField information. Also good to review activity in an account.
GL detail by Fund with Flex – Query to help locate a journal number if you know account, dept, fund or flex. Also good to review activity in an account.
Used to view all journal lines with errors.
Provides a detail of a journal – Used to download and view all lines of a journal in Excel format. This is used if the journal under review is very large and would otherwise cause timing out issues in myUFL.
Find voucher and PCard holder by PCard transaction ID. Enter TXN number (include “TXN”)
Used to show all vouchers associated with a specific journal. Enter journal ID number.
UF HR Toolkit – Enterprise Analytics
Office of the CFO: (352) 392-2402
General Accounting & Financial Reporting: (352) 392-1326