This directive establishes the proper methods of disposing electronic media in compliance with University of Florida Information Technology (UFIT) and UF Health IT requirements. Media must be either sanitized to the U.S. NIST SP-800-88 standards or destroyed to make the data unreadable in compliance with UFIT regulations. UF Surplus provides the electronic media secure disposal service for the University of Florida and Shands.
UF requires the destruction of data on electronic equipment being disposed, transferred, or reused. This includes all forms of electronic media such as hard drives, solid-state and flash drives, tapes, and all devices with built-in storage. Media that is to be reused must be sanitized in a manner that makes access to previously stored data impossible. Information on specific requirements and techniques can be found in the Control of Electronic Media Policy and the Media Sanitization Standard.
All UF departments.
UF Surplus
976 Elmore Drive Hours: M-F: 8:30 to 4:00 Phone: (352) 392-0370 Email: |
HUB – UF Help Desk
1765 Stadium Road Hours: Mon-Thurs: 7:30 am – 10 pm Phone: (352) 392-HELP (4357) Email: |
Please note, hard disks should not be degaussed or damaged before placing them at the drop-off site
Control of Electronic Media Policy
UF Surplus: (352) 392-0370
UF Computing Help Desk: (352) 392-HELP