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  • This page provides a list of common inquiries to assist departments when encountering the below scenarios.

    1. I have a traveler that is coming from out of state to attend a meeting/seminar/interview at UF in Gainesville, Florida. What account code should I charge the travel expenses?
      • Since the business location is Gainesville, Florida, the correct account code for travel related expenses is 771100 – In State Travel.
    2. I have a traveler that is coming from out of the country to attend a meeting/seminar/interview at UF in Gainesville, Florida. What account code should I charge the travel expenses?
      • The business location is Gainesville, Florida, but since the traveler is from a foreign country, the correct account code for travel related expenses is 772000 – Foreign Travel.
    3. I need to purchase DVDs to supplement out a department’s library. What account code should I use?
      • DVDs that will be used to supplement the department library should be charged to account code 739300 – Books and Publications Non Library.
    4. I don’t like the décor in my office. Can I buy picture frames, plants, and decorations for my office on a PCard or be reimbursed for them?
    5. I am traveling to a conference that is out of the state of Florida. Can I be reimbursed the meal per diems using the GSA rates?
      • No, the GSA rates are only used for foreign travel. The correct meal per diem rates for reimbursement on domestic travel are the state of Florida rates. See the Travel Directives and Procedures for more information.
    6. I need to purchase airfare, but I am not sure if my flight dates will need to be changed. Can I purchase travel insurance on my grant or state funds?


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    Last reviewed on 03/20/2024