• Shared Services Center
  • Procurement Services
  • Financial Analysis and Budget
  • Finance and Accounting
  • Finance Strategy & Analytics
  • The UF CPE for CPAs Program follows a few policies.

    Providing Certificates of Attendance and Class Agenda

    The Finance Strategy & Analytics commits to

    • Sending the certificate of attendance to all class participants within three business days after the class via the email address on file within the myTraining system. myTraining is UF’s training registration system.
    • Providing the course agenda on our Course Catalog. The agenda can be downloaded at anytime. Find the required course and select the PDF link at the bottom of the listing.

    Content Delivery and Review Policy

    To ensure that each course uses activities, materials, and delivery systems that are current, technically accurate, and effectively designed, and that content is based on relevant learning objectives and outcomes, the courses will be reviewed by qualified individuals (subject matter experts), outside of the development team, on an annual basis. For courses in accounting and auditing, a subject matter expert and/or Certified Public Accountant is involved in the development of the course. For courses in taxes, a Certified Public Accountant, tax attorney, or subject-matter expert is involved in the development of the course.

    Course Updates Policy

    The Finance Strategy & Analytics has a responsibility

    • to ensure that all activities, materials, and delivery systems used in CPE programs are current, technically accurate, and effectively designed.
    • to revise all courses as soon as possible following changes to relative codes, laws, rulings, decisions, interpretations, etc., that impact course content.
    • to complete an annual review, by qualified individuals (subject matter experts), of all CPE program activities, materials, and delivery systems.

    Record Retention Policy

    The Finance Strategy & Analytics has a responsibility to maintain and retain adequate documentation for five years. Adequate documentation includes the following:

    • Records of participation (a signed class roster for each in-person CPE program offered, and an attendance and participation report for each in-person virtual CPE program offered).
    • Dates and locations of programs offered.


    Finance Hub contact form

    Last Reviewed

    Last reviewed on 03/20/2024